Thursday Thoughts Newsletter is your weekly dose of 3 brief ideas from me, 2 quotes I’ve recently enjoyed from others, and 1 question for you as you go about your week.
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3 Brief Ideas
Idea #1: Throughout the Bible, God’s people live through the rising and falling of different empires and their respective cultures. But there is a resounding message that echoes throughout Daniel, and it is one that all Christians must be reminded of, especially during election seasons and culture wars: “The Most High rules the kingdoms of men and gives it to whom he will” (Dan. 4:17). As important as topics like fraud, conspiracy, censorship, insurrection, and deception is (and they are important!), they nonetheless become marginal concerns when placed upon the backdrop of that greater, overarching truth of Scripture.
- As contentious as any political conflict may be, none are stray threads that God is not absolutely weaving into the story of His good plans on earth (Eph. 1:11).
- As powerful and as any kingdom of earth may be, none are outside of His absolute jurisdiction and authority, whom He is not moving like pawns in His hand (2 Chr. 20:6).
- As strong-willed and as hard-hearted as any ruler may be, their heart is no more than a river in God’s hand, which He can turn wherever He pleases (Prov. 21:1).
Truly, ‘the powers that be’ are never less than or more than what God wills it to be. The same God who installed Bush and Clinton, Obama and Trump, King Saul and King David, Nero and Constantine, Ivan the Terrible and Alexander the Great, Communist China and ‘Christian’ America, Ronald Reagan and Pontius Pilate, the ‘apostle’ Peter and the ‘betrayer’ Judas—is the same God who raises up and deposes every President and every member of Congress today. As Christians, the only power truly worth our fear and awe is not whoever is in charge of America, but the One who is in charge of those who are in charge of America, or any other position of power for that matter. The fact that He reigns ought to fill us with a great peace and infuse us with a great hope—no matter what earthly kingdom or context we occupy. “The Most High rules the kingdoms of men and gives it to whom he will.”
Idea #2: I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “Facts do not care about your feelings.” That statement is true. However, what is also true is that facts do not change people. Friendship does. And while friendship does care about your feelings, it also cares enough to give you facts when you need it, too.
Idea #3: If “mercy” for some means “injustice” for another, and vice versa, we’re no longer being true to law, only our own law. In which case, we’ve replaced objective morality with personal agenda. Until there is a moral standard that exists outside of our own definitions and preferences and whims and majority rule, a true sense of justice and mercy will be inevitably elusive—from the accuser, the victim, the perpetrator, and enforcer.
2 Quotes From Others
“I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.”
—Abraham Lincoln
“Matthew the Collector: Wanted money and safety and would go to immorality for it. Simon the Insurrectionist: Wanted power and freedom and would go to violence for it. Jesus didn’t identify with either of these categories. And after three years with Jesus… they wouldn’t either.”
—Trent Roseman
1 Question For You
During this election season, what has caused the greatest reaction out of you, and why? As national leaders are deposed and as others are installed, what is it, in particular, that produces the greatest degree of fear or excitement or anger or depression? Could it be that your reaction stems from the fact that a national leader has more direct influence on your sense of confidence and peace than the Leader of the universe, whose name is steadfast love and faithfulness if you are in Christ?
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Thanks again for following along, see you again next week!