Life is a constant pursuit. Whether you consciously think about or not, you are living for a purpose, for a means to some sort of an end. Whether it is relationships, social fun, comfortable living, academic prestige, recognition in your field of work, or involvement in an organization, it is being done for some greater purpose – maybe this purpose is buried subtly deep in your subconscious or maybe you are fully aware of it – the point is that the purpose or goal behind the pursuit directs the course of your life.
Every pursuit is geared towards where we think we will find satisfaction and meaning. Let us not live for the things that consist only of temporal value; for they will fade like the passing of the years, and their promise of satisfaction will wane accordingly as well.
In Jesus, there is all we need and, truly, all we ever want. Every pursuit–even a pursuit in a heart that rejects Jesus–is a depraved desire that has lost bearings with its only true fulfillment, and is unaware of the source. The Gospel brings us back, restores, and grants life abundant. This is what we were truly made for. Endless partaking in the glory of God, the satisfaction of our souls.
The pursuit is all about destination.
What is your goal? Where is the trajectory of your life aimed upon, and for what purpose? Do you think it has promise? And do you think that its promises are important enough to spend your only life for its end?