Hello blog subscribers!
As you might have seen this past week, my last blog post was a letter explaining how I am going to be spending the next year working part-time with Cru at UNC, and that I am striving to raise support to able to do this.
The responses have been overwhelmingly encouraging thus far, and I am very thankful for those of you who have already provided both verbal and financial support.
However, I am writing this blog as a follow-up because it unfortunately appears that there might have been some confusion in the process of donations.
It seems that some people who have donated to my cause forgot to indicate that their specific donation was given in my name.
This is crucially important: since I am working (and thus getting paid) on an hourly basis, I need to know how much total money is given in my name so I can know how many hours I can work.
It would be terrible if you gave to Cru at UNC without indicating my name, because then your money would go to Cru at UNC, generally, but it would not allow me to work there, specifically.
Therefore, for those of you who might have forgotten to indicate that your donations were in my name, here’s what you can do:
Email me at adgentry@me.com to let me know how much you gave.
If some of you would like to donate, but have not yet done so, here’s the link where you do so. But if you give, don’t forget to email me: https://give.cru.org/2284550
Thanks again to all who have partnered with me in this endeavor, and I am excited to serve Christ through Cru at UNC in the upcoming fall!